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Interests: Actor/Actress
Name: Register Now or Login
Age: Adult 40s (40-49)
Country: Australia
Weight: 159 lbs
Hips: 34"
Chest: 38cm
Waist 13
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes Blue
Body Type: Athletic/Toned
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Hat: 23cm
Pants: 32cm
Shoe: 9inches

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Premiere Members

Type of Acting roles I'm interested in: Abusive, All-American, Best Friend, Caregiver, Creator, Explorer, Hero/Heroine, Innocent, Jester/Comedian, Lover, Nerd, Parent, Regular Guy/Gal, Ruler, Skater/Punk, Villain/Evil

YouTube Videos

My Videos


Title/Name - Role - Venue - Director/Producer/Studio/Coach


Great Gatsby - Head Waiter - Fox Studios - Baz Lurhmann

Mothers Day - Ray - Lead - Sydney - Kostas Nikas


False Witness - MI5 Police - Sydney - Peter Androkidis

Home & Away - Police Officer - Channel 7 - David Gould


School - Instructor - Class - Location - Duration

The Actors Pulse - Luke Ford - Meisner/Advance - Sydney - 6 years

McSweeny - Tom McSweeny - Script & Audition - Sydney - 1 year


Language - Spoken - Written

Greek - Intermediate - Beginner

Other Skills

Skill Type - How long? - Education from?

Film & Television Directing & Producing - 3 years - AFTRS