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Interests: Actor/Actress, Singer
Name: Register Now or Login
Union: N/A
Location: NY
Country: United States
Weight: 145 lbs
Height: 5'8"
Hips: 40"
Chest: 36DD
Waist 28
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes Grey
Body Type: Athletic/Toned
Hat: na
Pants: 6-8
Shoe: 9

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Premiere Members

Type of Acting roles I'm interested in: Abusive, All-American, Best Friend, Caregiver, Creator, Explorer, Extra, Hero/Heroine, Innocent, Jester/Comedian, Lover, Nerd, Parent, Pregnant, Regular Guy/Gal, Ruler, Skater/Punk, Villain/Evil


Title/Name - Role - Venue - Director/Producer/Studio/Coach


Salem: 1692 - Mercy Lewis - Arizona Curriculum Theatre - James Porter

Bard at the Bar - Audrey (As You Like It) - The Players Club, NYC - Roger Hendricks Simon

Charley\\\'s Aunt - Amy Spettigue - Mountain Shadows Theatre Co - Fred Bornhoeft

Honk! The Musical - Lowbutt - Moon Valley Productions - Mark Stoddard

Beauty and the Beast - Belle - Pinnacle High School - Shaun Moe

Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennett - Moezart Productions - Sharon Rodriguez

Into the Woods - The Witch - Paradise Valley Community College - Mark Stoddard

The Taming of the Shrew - Lady - Southwest Shakespeare Co - Jared Sakren

The Winter\\\'s Tale - Dorcas - Southwest Shakespeare Co - Richard Baird

Merchant of Venice - Jessica - Southwest Shakespeare Co - Jared Sakren

Hamlet - Ophelia - Moon Valley Productions - Matt Logan

As You Like It - Rosalind - Brelby Theatre Co. - Brian Maticic


Zero Point - Ava - Apaulling Plott - Freddie Paull

A Nation Silenced - Katherine - Apaulling Plott Productions - Freddie Paull

Purgatory - Emily - Zaki Gordon Institute - Kiel Greenfield

Ascension - Ellyn - Electric Legend Pictures - Freddie Paull


Packages from Home - Soldier - Depleting Shadows Entertainment - Dana Skvarek


Packages from Home - Soldier - Depleting Shadows Entertainment - Dana Skvarek


School - Instructor - Class - Location - Duration

British American Drama Academy - James Bundy - Shakespeare - Oxford, England - Summer Term

British American Drama Academy - Andrew Wade - Voice/Speech - Oxford, England - Summer Term

British American Drama Academy - Ian Wooldrige - Pinter/Beckett - Oxford, England - Summer Term

British American Drama Academy - Jackie Snow - Movement - Oxford, England - Summer Term

Shakespeare Sedona Institute - Richard Baird - Shakespeare - Sedona, Arizona - Summer Term


Language - Spoken - Written

English - Expert - Expert

French - Beginner - Intermediate

Spanish - Beginner - Intermediate

Other Skills

Skill Type - How long? - Education from?

Alto/Mezzo - Self-taught - 10+years

Guitar - Self-taught - 8 years

Ballroom Dance - Dancesport USA - 2 years