Title/Name - Role - Venue - Director/Producer/Studio/Coach
Tales of Marriage & Mozzarella - Brieanna - Studio Theatre - Faction of Fools (fringe festival)
Like Mother Like Daughter - Erica (lead) - 45th st theatre - TheatreVision/Playtime
Last of my Bad Habits - Her (lead) - Club Midway - F&*k The Fringe Festival, NYC
Hamlet - Polonius - Olmstead Theatre - Adelphi University
State Fair - Fairtone - Heights Theatre - Heights Players, NYC
Ragtime - Featured Soloist - Heights Theatre - Heights Players, NYC
Into The Woods - Jack's Mother - Heights Theatre - Heights Players, NYC
Make Sure It's Me - Sandy - Library of Congress - Arts and Healing Festival
Across The Universe - 5th Avenue Protester - New York, NY - Julie Taymor
Great and Not So Great Moments in History - Hillary Clinton - Washington, DC - Leland Stegis
Halloween @ The White House - Dark Witch - White House - Theatre Washington
Go Game Interactive Scavenger Hunts - Various - Washington, DC - Go Game
Affordable Advertising - Pitch Woman - Washington, DC - Charles Cary
BLE - Pitch Woman - Washington, DC - Charles Cary