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Industry Professionals

If you are an agent, talent manager, producer, scout, venue, or any other entertainment industry client, then this is is your one stop site for you to find up and coming talent for all of your entertainment/sports needs. Use Talent & Skills, INC diverse database to find exactly what you are looking for. No more wasting time to travel and see your talent. View their profile, resume, and video on Talent & Skills, INC’s database. Find talent anywhere around the world.


Talent & Skills, INC would like you to register to search our comprehensive talent database! This section is only for industry professionals: agencies, managers, casting directors, producers, scouts, venues, and other industry clients.


As an industry professional, you don't pay any fees - no access fees, no commission split, and no finder's fees! Our only request is to let others know about the great Talent you found on Talent & Skills, INC.


Please fill out the information below for review. By filling out this form you agree that you are a legit industry professional registered or licensed by your state/province and country to legally do business in the entertainment/sports industry. Talent & Skills, INC has the right to reject an industry professional application; especially if it feels the intent of the industry professional is not in the best interests of its talent. As an industry professional, your company has the option of being added to our database of registered industry professionals, where your company or service can reach thousands of qualified talent under the classifieds section. You may also be invited to a Talent & Skills, INC Party to find talent, promote your company, or simply to socialize with other people in the entertainment/sports industry. We look forward to working with you.


For any further questions feel free to contact Talent & Skills, INC at TalentandSkillsINC@gmail.com


Industry Professional Registration
First Name Last Name
Company Name Company Type (Talent Agency, Advertising, Marketing, etc.)
Company Website (starting with http://www.) E-Mail Address (Will be used as your login username)
Street Address  
City State Zip
Country Province
Work Phone Cell Phone
Password Confirm Password
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